Loligo Online Reference

Basic concept


Loligo's interface is based on nodes. A node is a function unit that performs a certain operation, like drawing things to the screen, producing sound or doing some mathematics. Every node has inputs and/or outputs for sending information to or receiving information from other nodes.

Data types

In Loligo, there are only two different types of data that can flow between nodes: Numerical values (decimals within the range 0-1) and color values (32-bit RGBA). Connecting outputs to inputs of the other type will have them auto-converted. Colors on a number-input are converted to brightness values. Numbers on a color-input are interpreted as alpha-values.

Input types

You can manipulate the value of an input either by connecting it to an output or by setting a fixed value. Just click on it and play around with the slider.

  • Numeric

    The regular number input. There are two special input types based on it: Trigger and Switch.

  • Trigger

    Used by several nodes to set off certain events, like playing a single note. It fires each time the input signal crosses the red mark in the specified direction: From right to left, left to right or both.

  • Switch

    The switch-input turns things on and off, or pauses/unpauses them, depending on whether the input value is within the black or white area.

  • Color

    Deals with color values..

Node types

  • Graphics

  • Reader

  • Paths

  • Audio

  • Utils